Friday 22 April 2011

India’s Highest Paid Child Star in Bollywood World Record set by Darsheel Safary

If trade figures are anything to go by, 14-year Darsheel Safary is currently the highest infant star paid in Bollywood. According to reliable sources, the young actress who is just three films old, including his upcoming Zokkomon something between Rs 80 lakh per film role he signed. Not only that, it even supports half a dozen products and charges around Rs 50 lakh each.

But all this talk about money is not something that interests him. “I do not know whether the money. My parents deal with it. I’m too young to manage it. I just concentrate on my studies and my passion for acting. Regarding what I want to do with money, I’ll think about when I’m older and wiser. Before that, I also made my decision about the career I ultimately intend to pursue and the kind of investment that is made. “
Unlike most children her age, Darsheel does not believe in the amazing idea of ​​spending money. “I do not need,” he replies. “My parents give me everything. Every time I eat at my high school, give me the money I’m asking. They never stop doing what you want.

The actress, who made his debut Taare Zameen Par (2007), which was also the directorial debut of Aamir Khan has just passed his grade eight research. And until the school is not opinion, he does not intend to reflect on issues that he will use in class nine.

“I chose a specialization in trade,” he said. “But now the holidays are over. I skate and play cricket and football. I’m too busy Zokkomon promotion that involves a lot of travel. I see a screening of my classmates, they are very kicked about it.”

Though Darsheel started very young, it seems he has all his rights. Like most adult actresses of Bollywood, it is also known to show the actor-producer-director Aamir Khan blessings before signing a project. “My parents and I talk to my uncle Aamir to suggestions of all time,” he said, adding: .. “I love it because it is so strong and smart, he knows all the back of his hand When I finished my exam, I give him a call and we chat. I think he likes me as much as I love him. “

Zokkomon Video – Official Trailer Promo

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